About Our Club

In 2022 KPAC (Kay Pack) the Kamloops Photo Arts Club, celebrated 40 years of coming together as a Club.  What a rollercoaster ride of photographic tech members have ridden in that time. From toting camera bags heavy with 35 millimetre Single Reflex cameras, filters, lenses and a tripod to the present, figuring out how to access their image stabilized, digital, photo composites on the cloud and what application best converts images to black and white.  No more ‘High’ from smelling chemicals in the darkroom. Now it is mind stunning experiments with Artificial Intelligence.

 BUT; No matter the technology or equipment it’s still the photographic Eye that sees the picture capturing the ‘Cartier-Bresson’ decisive moment that trumps all.

Here is how KPAC helps develop and expand your photographic Eye, technical expertise, creativity and celebration of the art.

Our very much appreciated Volunteer Club Leadership Team works collaboratively to share management duties and to program at least 3 activities per month. KPAC is member driven and supported.

If you are interested in checking us out, you are welcome to attend one meeting free of charge. Click on the Contact Us link at the top of this page and send us an email to info@kamloopsphotoarts.ca and let us know which meeting you would like to attend and we will send you the information including the Zoom link if it is via Zoom video conferencing.

These activities include:

• Zoom on-line presentations by members and professional photographers

• In-Person Meetings for presentations, workshops and other topics of interest

Above -Member Images in Print Display Night

Photo Credits and Photomontage by Lyn Riley

• In-person photo-shoots at Kamloops locations. What’s your favourite place to shoot? Tell us.

• SHOWCASE A monthly program all members are encouraged to participate in. Members share up to 6 images they are working on or the “Challenge” topic i.e. Intentional camera movement, Blue, Leading lines To view past submissions Click Here.

Dave Whiting Photo

• National Photo Competitions as a Club. KPAC is a member club of CAPA (Cap a) Canadian Association of Photographic Arts, a national federation of photo clubs and international links. KPAC participates in several CAPA competitions a year. Six images from six KPAC members are selected by member vote for submission.  www.capacanada.ca

Norm Dougan with a few of his CAPA Awards

• Shared Interest Groups that provide peer to peer learning on specific photography subjects. Currently there is a Lightroom/Photoshop group and a Critique group that meet monthly. The Groups are created by Members for like interested Members. Meeting dates and details can be found on www.kamloopsphotoarts.ca website under Coming Events.

KPAC is totally volunteer driven.

The KPAC Leadership Committee are lead member-volunteers who keep the Photo Arts Club functioning with the assistance and input from members. Member energy, expertise and participation is critical. Members are strongly encouraged to contribute in whatever capacity they are able.

Many skills are needed. Most have nothing to do with Photography. A few tasks:

 Share ideas and develop programs, deliver programs or arrange for guest presenters. 

 Alert us to photo-shoot opportunities associated with local events or in partnership with other Kamloops organizations.  i.e. KPAC has enjoyed connecting with the Vintage Car Club, Model Airplane Club, Icelandic Horse Farm, Donkey Rescue Group and various Sport Events.

Isobel Lamarche Photo

Receive, assemble and project images for Showcase, competitions and some programs.

Post programs and keep KPAC website up to date. Our FaceBook page also needs monitoring.

 Additional tasks:

Dues need to be collected, documented and a ‘Group’ email list maintained on the Club website. Operating the website and posting upcoming events are two more tasks to look after. Bills need to be paid and minutes taken at Leadership Committee and Working Group meetings. Your Showcase and Competition images need to be assembled and projected and uploaded to the CAPA website. Knowing Zoom protocols, functions and hosting skills is an additional expertise needed within the Club.

2023/24 KPAC Executive (some members missing) – Linda Williams Photo

To offer assistance, input or discuss particular tasks contact any Leadership Team member. “Many hands make light work”. See  Contact Us tab on KPAC website.

You can learn more about our club under Information > About Us > A Brief History.